Below you will find items concerning legislation from groups in the Omaha community:
From the desk of Repower America:
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski just left the Senate floor after speaking for 15 minutes in support of a Resolution of Disapproval (NOT an amendment to the debt ceiling legislation that she had threatened) that was co-sponsored by Senators Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA). More updates, emails, and public statements to come.
If successful, this could undermine the Clean Air Act, one of the most successful laws ever passed to protect public health and the environment. This long-standing Act has greatly reduced the pollution that poisons our air and water, and continues to protect Americans’ health across the country.
Altering the Clean Air Act would roll back the clock on decades of progress reducing pollution, putting polluters like coal and oil in control of America’s clean energy future.
Call Senator Nelson’s office today, and tell him to support clean air and public health
by OPPOSING the Murkowski Resolution at (402) 391-3411 or Washington D.C.
(202) 224-6551.
From the desk of Legislative Aide Andrea Fox:
State Senator Heath Mello asked that you know about some of the green legislation that he has introduced during the current legislative session. Please see the below press releases for more information. In addition to the bills mentioned in the press releases, Senator Mello introduced two more green bills: LB 1100, a bill to allow Electric Vehicles to drive on Nebraska roads; and LB 997, a bill that would require counties and cities of a certain size to include an Energy Element in their comprehensive plans.
If you’d like to see the full text of any of these bills, visit the Nebraska Legislature’s website, and use the “Search Current Bills” tool in the upper right-hand corner.
Press Releases:
Lead by Example
Green Jobs
From the desk of Robert Byrnes, President of Nebraska Renewable Energy Association:
LB 960 is scheduled for public hearing at the capital at 1:30 on Friday, January 29th. Likely the bill will not be heard until 2:30pm. If you want to counterweigh the lobbyists it is important that members of the Omaha community send e-mails to the Natural Resource Committee and their senators to support LB 960, Senator Haar from Lincoln is already on board. Even better, show up and speak your peace about poor policy limiting our ability to interconnect more significant green energy systems. Bill synopsis is below:
"LB960: Introduced bill to amend state statute on net metering that would establish two different classes of net metering users - those that net metering in a residential zoned district, and everyone else. Those that are in a residential area would remain at the 25kW limit set forth in last years bill, but LB960 would also raise the limit for "everyone else" to 125kW."
From the desk of Repower America:
Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski just left the Senate floor after speaking for 15 minutes in support of a Resolution of Disapproval (NOT an amendment to the debt ceiling legislation that she had threatened) that was co-sponsored by Senators Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), Ben Nelson (D-NE) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA). More updates, emails, and public statements to come.
If successful, this could undermine the Clean Air Act, one of the most successful laws ever passed to protect public health and the environment. This long-standing Act has greatly reduced the pollution that poisons our air and water, and continues to protect Americans’ health across the country.
Altering the Clean Air Act would roll back the clock on decades of progress reducing pollution, putting polluters like coal and oil in control of America’s clean energy future.
Call Senator Nelson’s office today, and tell him to support clean air and public health
by OPPOSING the Murkowski Resolution at (402) 391-3411 or Washington D.C.
(202) 224-6551.
From the desk of Legislative Aide Andrea Fox:
State Senator Heath Mello asked that you know about some of the green legislation that he has introduced during the current legislative session. Please see the below press releases for more information. In addition to the bills mentioned in the press releases, Senator Mello introduced two more green bills: LB 1100, a bill to allow Electric Vehicles to drive on Nebraska roads; and LB 997, a bill that would require counties and cities of a certain size to include an Energy Element in their comprehensive plans.
If you’d like to see the full text of any of these bills, visit the Nebraska Legislature’s website, and use the “Search Current Bills” tool in the upper right-hand corner.
Press Releases:
Lead by Example
Green Jobs
From the desk of Robert Byrnes, President of Nebraska Renewable Energy Association:
LB 960 is scheduled for public hearing at the capital at 1:30 on Friday, January 29th. Likely the bill will not be heard until 2:30pm. If you want to counterweigh the lobbyists it is important that members of the Omaha community send e-mails to the Natural Resource Committee and their senators to support LB 960, Senator Haar from Lincoln is already on board. Even better, show up and speak your peace about poor policy limiting our ability to interconnect more significant green energy systems. Bill synopsis is below:
"LB960: Introduced bill to amend state statute on net metering that would establish two different classes of net metering users - those that net metering in a residential zoned district, and everyone else. Those that are in a residential area would remain at the 25kW limit set forth in last years bill, but LB960 would also raise the limit for "everyone else" to 125kW."